This page massively improved 12 - 23 October '99 through the input of
Daniel (www.3dbuilder.nu)
by way of the Genesis Forum
is Nemo's Mind? |
Introduction and Genre |
Nemo's Mind is an exploration of
Jules Verne's (French Father of science fiction) sense of fantastical,
technological, and exotic natural landscapes. On a
deeper quest, it explores physical environments and human architecture
as a construct of "Nemo's Mind", the global collective
subconscious. A surreal island becomes a reflection of the mind's nature.
"Nemos Mind" will be a globally developed 3D
chat (voice) terrain. This is an independent project to bring on
the 2nd generation virtual worlds, combining the
positive trends of the Net, to become an example of the art to come. Not a game - but a
"conversation piece" to walk in.
will we get there? |
Background |
Nemos Mind will use
the latest consumer level 3-D technology, the Genesis3D engine (an open development
project). Nemos Mind will be one of the first virtual worlds to concentrate on
evolving the quality and interactivity of its 3-D art, year after year, as the technology
advances, and takes advantage of (the soon to be mainstream) Internet voice chat.
A business plan to update through the years with new versions and
expanded terrain as a premiere example of a
non-game virtual world.
are some screen shots from the Genesis engine GDemo
(produced by Eclipse not Nemo's Mind) - Eclipse let
us use these shots showing textures we can use freely, along with
sound effects, models etc. - If you haven't checked out the Gdemo - Do
it now!! Beautiful underwater shot - click
on the graphic to see it
full and get more info
is a 2-in-1 shot - another screen shot from Gdemo and a model of the
Nautilus from 3DCafe.com,
authored by Syd
of Volcanic action in the first part of the Gdemo - which definitely
can be used in a Jules Verne and "20,000 Leagues Under the
Sea" theme - we will use this for part of the cave paths in
the Observatory level, of the 3
Level Plan - click the graphic for more info and full picture
Here is one just to promote the coolest free use engine around - this
one is from the sci-fi part of the Gdemo - clicking on this graphic
will take you to more screenshots at Eclipse's web site
is Nemo's Mind Unique? |
Key or Standout Features |
As the central character in the world famous "20,000 Leagues Under The
Sea", Nemo is a rich psychological setting with an anti-suppression social
consciousness (he was enslaved and his quest is to stop that
culture). At the same time, the Nautilus’ quest and history is
global in nature, for instance the library (by the novel) of the Nautilus
contains 12,000 books in every language of the planet. Someday the
participants in Nemo’s Mind will be able to read those books by scanning
their eyes over the pages - the camera sitting on your desk will track your eye
movement interpreting and reading out those languages into yours. But
that will take some evolving...
Nemo’s Mind will carry global themes through art. To match
an ageless feel and a Nemo theme - the art and architecture will be
restricted to any time before Nemo’s. The themes include
anti-slavery (suppression/slavery still rampant in this world) and the
emulation of the real world’s physical manifestations of global
subconscious imagery - the things we dream.
Click on these pictures for examples from the European Subconscious
Level and the Observatory Level of the initial
3 Level Plan
Not only is Nemo's Mind all about art and themes, it is an
exploration of space. If it becomes exploratory for the user and
each location is burned into memory, then it has become an effective use of art/space.
This program will be, for many, the first hands on experience with 3D terrain.
want to excite that audience, to further all development of virtual worlds.
Evolving Schemes
The quality of todays interactive program is restricted by, one
time only, distribution. Nemos Mind will go the easy route
(see 3 Level Plan) by
being functional in a very short period of time, compared to the challenges of producing
todays complex, game type, programs. And then it will easily keep up, with the users
expectations of 3-D interactive art with succesive versions. Instead of
starting from square one, we just improve on the original Nemo's MInd.
Once Nemos Mind becomes a shareware product, it will ride word of mouth, by relying on a yearly or semi-annual update scheme.
Any income will be put into further development of Nemos Mind -
primarily taking
care of the pay and well-being of the development team, lend a hand to other virtual world
start ups, and back into the development of Genesis3D.
We are hoping once
contributors, outside of the core team, see how this project goes, then they will take the experience and start up
more virtual worlds on their own.
Nemo's Mind |
Description |
The dirigible
buffets as the propeller holds into the breeze - you comment to a
Japanese woman on the play of cloud
shadows over the island, and discuss where to go next, as the view
drops off the edge of the volcano
crater - you notice a feature only seen by the scale of a
dirigible's view - the paths carved into the swamp seem like a giant
On Genesis Beach you turn
around to the sound, of Dolphin chatter and splashing, and then look
down the beach stretching to the horizon on both sides

Click Map to see Nemo's Mind in Detail
Continuing your weekly habit of yakking with your brother on Nemo’s
Mind, you anticipate the latest version’s promise of day and night
control, and use the future possibility of
seasonal control for a conversation piece - but as you decide which
way to go up to the surface you get distracted as dancing lights come
down the underwater cave, and you both join in and become a pod - 6 mini-sub
Dolphins racing through the underground river to the River of
Life and up the Water Shaft
- a smile grows on your face as you taunt your brother and watch the
lights bounce off the caves and the other mini-sub Dolphins
You listen to 3 women (not knowing they are all speaking a
different language through voice recognition to language translation)
inside the Dream
Sphere taking turns throwing artifacts into dream animations -
they talk of the significance of a bi-valve sea-shell found in the Lagoon
creating a vision of 2 dancers, while a sea-shell from the beach
creates a vision of the Lagoon - the women also discuss the rumor of a
statue in the lagoon - which you saw yesterday and realize is a
new addition to the latest veersion of Nemo's Mind
After passing through the Bonsai
Enclosure and riding the track to the Dream sphere, you realize
after visiting for more than 2 years - the giant bonsai is a captive to its artificial limb supports and reflect on the
struggle within Nemo’s Mind between enslaving and giving freedom
The Nautilus has
been set by an explorer to cruise at a fixed depth, touring the island reefs, while 20 explorers talk in the sub's museum lounge and
the 2 huge flanking round windows serve as back drop - you and an old
Turkish avatar leave the Nautilus as it goes by the jungles of
Genesis Beach, in separate mini-sub Dolphins, you want to show him a
small half plateau extending out from the jungle slope, with a spring
pooling at the top and flowing over the moss covered cliff - he wants
to show you his favorite natural vista in the area - you both comment on every one
having there own favorite spots on such a large terrain
As a lone explorer you visit a favorite Dream
Structure in Memory Forest, and notice a far off dirigible
rising, you wonder if it is a newly gained dirigible lifting off from
the crater - and remember the surprise of discovering the inside of
the hollow mountain - and remember the first time seeing a dirigible
and wondering how to get one - while you muse on another's adventure
you reach up and alter the shape of the clouds with digital digits in
camera detected synchronicity with your own
You tag along from a distance watching a Russian and an African -
overhearing the conversation, it is obvious the Russian has never been
in the underground sequence and want to watch her discover the slow
realization of how to interact with the Transforming
Statue, The African points out the the alternating
suppressed human images versus the free images
As the sun sinks and the quarter new moon becomes more visible,
more explorers gather at the Observatory
- you watch the jungle below the Cliff Rift become darker and lose
detail - and then you drift toward the classical music and light of
the Observatory’s Bonfire Fountain
Overview of a Living Document |
The Dual Purpose Open Design Document
The purpose of making this an open design
- to give Nemo's Mind a better chance of becoming a virtual world
through open development and to gain word of mouth. The user
will be able to link directly to this design document and see what
will be improved on the next version, the eventual look and feel,
and add their own input
- to promote
the development of other team's projects - every action and every tool used to develop this project will
be posted weekly. However if this design document and our project do inspire you - then
please give something back into this project, before you move on - give any input at all.
This open design document has
been formatted to fit the needs of being open design and covers issues such as copyright, to inspire
other team's projects.
By using the tutorial
the reader can see how to use this design document as a template for
team dynamics and a system to implement the development process
Document and Team Dynamics
Game Design Versus Virtual World
In the game industry a design document can be anywhere
from 10 to 500 hard-copy pages. An efficient and helpful document can easily be 200
pages. Their are 3 major differences between this document and a game design
document. First - being open design has an impact on the organization of material for
issues such as copyright. Second - this design document is open to public scrutiny
to promote more insight into the needs of the coming virtual world projects and so the
document is used as a tool, for showing the facets of a virtual world. Third - is the
simplicity in many respects compared to game design. If the
participant wants to make the program more entertaining than thoughtful or
make it conversationally meditative, then they will find games inherent (games will crop up with multiple
users in a physics simulation) to any program.
Submarine races, frog hunts, etc. We dont have to balance game elements such
as weapon effects, artificial intelligence, game physics, frame rate in a fast moving
environment, etc.
The Living Open Design Document |
This is a living document! Meaning it will evolve! Many areas have been left open for
input. Your input will be put in this document.
Much of this document is full of examples of how easy it is to make thematic interactive
art with today's technology.
We can concentrate solely on art and theme, and that is why this
document is only about 100 hard-copy pages long as of September 1999 (60-70 of the pages are concrete areas).
The themes and examples are thoroughly described. For Nemos Mind to be truly
interactive on a global scale, this project needs to start in an evolving mode -
keeping that as its true character, to be an element of the virtual world 20 years from
now. This is why the strongest part of the design document is in the themes area and
the individual theme descriptions, in each area of the terrain break down. How can we explore the
themes in pure interactive art methods? This is what this document tries to keep
open. And even after several versions of Nemos Mind have been released, the
design document will stay open to creative ideas, to add on top of the work already
Final notes:
Much of what is written in the 3rd section of the design document and
some of the 2nd section are ideas for the engines that will evolve with Nemos Mind -
you may read a detail that has no connection with the ability of the current engine we are
using. But Nemos Mind, this living design
document, and the global community will grow...
Also realize the details of how an area will look and interact with
the explorer are not fully covered here. For instance, the first
3 areas of the island to be developed have been worked on for the last
year and the pages given here on the first "3
Level Plan" only give a taste of the detailing that
has been compiled and researched for their development. But the
eventual feel of the later versions is in this on line document to the
detail that explorers can add their ideas.
See the 3 buttons in the left
column through out your
- gives full lay out of island and links to all the terrain
Level Plan - access to the first round of
development and maps for those levels
- the only access to the (3rd part of the) full design document
2 more routes through Nemo's
Point Tour - Want some quick mental images and have a fast connection?
TAKE THE "HIGH POINT" TOUR. At each stop, read
the aqua
areas and hit the next "HIGH
POINT" link
- a page giving paths through the design document to fit
your tastes
Why give us a vote
of confidence?
back to the top
contact us
1999-2001 by
H. Kevin Long -Nemo's Mind TM
all rights reserved |