euro subconscious level is one of 3-4 dream zones that will be on
NM, others will be East Asia, Middle East, South America
structures surreal through interaction - statues that move or
structures that only materialize as you walk toward them
time and dream theme is heavily explored here, ruins etc.
preserve a theme of Nemo and his secrecy by making the structures
even more surreal by making them translucent - the theme is that
no structures are out in the open - consistent
will encounter the land structures and then later will reconnect
to them through the later discovered underwater parts of the dream
zone sets – gives senses of space and connection – so in the
later versions of NM the dream zones will be half underwater –
drowned in time
3 sets culminate in underwater at fire domes (very oldest
human architecture) that are associated with the time of dreams -
time of day - most cultures consider evening as the magical time
prelude to dreams)
dome is encapsulated fires that constantly burn under the sea -in
it is deepest dream temple (perhaps all you see is a golden dome
with moving light and once you swim into it from the mini-sub you
pop into and realize it was fire - from inside the fire is
reflected on the water - can’t see out past the dome because of
the mirror effect ( but get glimpses of ancient terrain?) - so the
or mini-sub Dolphin will be needed to see the deeper
things - notice the use of technology to find roots - like this
set of structures curving around the east and north side of
volcano so that you can get up on a higher path early in
exploration to see into the water from above - allowing the
explorer to see something that will drive curiosity, the rest of
the dream structures of that dream set/zone - and a hint those
structures will probably be available some how
- see same from the north end of cliff rift
when looking down into the shallows off the swamps
structures are only available once you get to the submarines -
symbolizing having to plumb the depths for lost roots
located at the transition of sea to land - consciousness to
subconscious – drowned in time or not - also all 3 collections
are closest shore to the sun - Nemo and his "power of the
sun" - but also this helps with lighting for the underwater
structures (eventually that will be the engine we will work with -
true stellar physics)– also makes it so the southern side of the
island can be better explored later in its use and not be reminded
of the dream zones since they are on opposite side of the island
– so good separation
have the oldest cultures in the geographically oldest parts of
island and newest in the freshest/barren part near volcano with
the lava fields flowing through it - maybe destroying them later
in day - other areas become overgrown and crumble - surrounding
area could just erode through time - don’t necessarily have to
lump cultural structures by areas of world - put some structures
in opposite associated terrain to get more surreal?
European examples of dream structures - next to shore is the grand
church with stained glass etc. - have one stained glass church
underwater in shallow enough water with sun coming through the
glass - then Greek dream temples deeper under the water
separate structures into set of architecture themes - have an area
of all round structures like camp fires to carousels
age the structures into ruins by the end of the day the program
can make a time check when the participant comes into that level -
a different stage of devolving per day light hour – later
versions this might be a steady transformation visible to the eye
that happens over the first 10 minutes in each locale within the
dream set. transformation could also be done at a fast 3
minutes and only on structures the explorer isn't looking
at. So look at a statue and then look away then look back
and it is that much more aged, but not as much as the structures
within visual range that you haven't looked at. so an
explorer could make there own symphony of time by controlling what
ages by looking in one arc for a minute then go down a path
etc. Perhaps any set of architecture only starts aging once
within a certain visual range so little areas are activated by
presence and as you weave through a setting you will see your
later in day might have a very lost ambiance like half covered by
sand dunes
all structures are in ruins by the end of day then this encourages
a behavior pattern - this will encourage a shift to the indoor
areas at night such as the underground
sequences or the observatory
and spars with out the glass as in ruins ( I later realized this
was like the Hiroshima dome - suppose this would become anti-war)
out 2 doors 10 feet apart would really do a cool frame distance
thing - on whatever terrain is framed there - could use this on a
jungle Buddhist temple - white marble - black obsidian falls -
volcanic - maybe see through agates as a portal to dreams?
all dream structures in certain spots could reflect architectural
themes such as all circular such as minaret’s on SE Asia
structures - so modern churches could emphasize round windows
(keep throwing in church as example of art that can be manipulated
to go with any theme structure we want to emphasize to bring about
global linking of architecture
lightning and its thunder to restore all structures to newer
and lighted up (this could be a weather control of the explorer to
reveal the structures in the later part of day when they are
decayed - some buildings renewed to twice the height, ponds and
fountains and amphitheaters will appear that were filled with
dunes - great to see from a distance as the thunder sound line
moves though the city- scape - so you see an arc of structures
lighting up and then fading - as sound radiates from the source -
when lightning strikes it might reveal clues to interactivity
architecture associated with transitional levels of consciousness
- we will try to keep it narrowly defined to dreaming and make
standard architectures into the surreal if need be
cultures as you move back in time have more and more connections
with dreaming as a part of their culture - for instance most of
the classic Greek temples were dream shrines such as Delphi's
shrine of Apollo
dream associated structures through out the world are pure art
ways to mix up structures - things like both China and Europe have
dragons and lions as motifs
- only structures on the island
that are above ground or not hidden except the observatory
– but fit aesthetically by being surreal and temporal - the
dream structures will have translucent effects to make them
figments of the mind