General Development Plan |
Stage 1
Shareware Stage - see
3 Level Plan |
- voice by open source code program - goal
for shareware is one on one enhanced long distance phone call type
- interface shell will detail the needed open source coding and scripting
for specific interactive art pieces etc. - so the possible contributors can see exactly
what we are trying to do to bring each area alive - this is an open source development
that haven't been tried before - evolve the design and program in the public versus
trying to get the interactive program to the highest quality before any release - this is
the downfall of most grass roots start ups - much easier to put it out and then get the
interactive elements polished and added as time goes by - more motivating
- anyone can work outside of the 3 level
plans and make a showcase level based on the design doc for use in
the shareware/publisher demo to show public support - all work will be
credited now and forever
- will use the open source development engine "Genesis3D"
- the program will be very easy to make since we are not making any game elements and this
will even be to the graphic advantage
- limited to a program with wonderful terrain and art - already
useable as a shareware distributable chat program
- pass any coding by the public eye for possible sharpening of
voice interface and front end option controls
- once an initial demo is up then hopefully some of this will get
more attention to the Genesis3D community - open source to develop the
interface shell and more
participant controls
- I feel that this demo will get backing
because it is not a game but still uses the ability of the systems
sold off the store shelves in the last year - this product is targeting
mainstream use
Stage 2 First
Complete Island Version |
- make the initial static art more interactive through open source
coding and
add more interactive art
- add more flora and fauna - replace some of the tropical with
deciduous and coniferous biomes - possibly decrease fogging radius in the more foliage
detailed areas such the small pine needles of the coniferous forests
- add static (non-interactive) animations specially the surreal
- keep using fogging as needed to limit visual range in open environments to keep
frame rate up - in the first stage of development may have to use fogging to limit polygon
count in the out door areas scaled to the end user machine so the frame rate doesnt
come to a screeching halt - later years can remove all together as technology allows - for
now it can add to the surreal and fogging is fascinating to non- gamers - even in later
years may want to keep some of that ambiance in a few areas
- keep in mind all the design document details will not be in the first useable
version - get a useable chat terrain out there and then add to it as we gain more support
- for instance all the biomes may not be in place at first and may only have tropic and
high desert in the first version or 2 - then later replace some of the tropics with
coniferous etc. - tropics are the priority since the large leaves are easier to render
than the fine structure of the coniferous forest
- add non-interactive and interactive art through the use of
models/actors out of StudioMax or any program that puts out compatible files - example:
statue could be triggered to do countless separate "transformation" actor
animations - could even be in 2D to make it easier on lower user machines?
- for the size
since it rotates toward the viewer already - later on turned to true stop and go morphing
- non-interactive art pieces can be actors out of modeling programs
to get smoothness etc.
- lighting may be limited on the first version for frame rate
- slow the mouse look and first person movement
to non-gamer, non-disorienting speed
- option to make a scaled down version of the island - raise the
ocean - later versions raise the island/lower the ocean
- we cant get all the detail we want into it with out running
out of steam - get a useable version out there and then evolve it and ad to the program as
support grows - charge nominal fee to ensure more use - word of
mouth - build market - returns will be enough to pay for further
Stage 3
- First Evolution of Nemo's Mind |
- enough momentum to sustain its own future
- distribution of first versions gains word of mouth and helps
develop the market for terrain chats
- increase the detail and polygon count and/or decrease/move fogging
further out/eliminate fogging unless used for ambiance in some areas - could keep fogging
specifically for heavy graphic areas and leave some plainer just to get a break from the
fogging - lower part of island (where all those CPU sucking trees are at) could stay in
perpetual fog and higher desert could be clear - if at any point Nemos Mind becomes
financially sound we will put money back into its source - the Genesis3D
- hopefully the engine will be at portal level technology and can
use more portals than level loading for transparent transitions
- users update by downloads at minimum fees
Stage 4
- Long Term Future |
- Nemos Mind now has unstoppable momentum and the marketing
method is known to the users - download successive evolving versions at nominal fee - part
of the motivation to do so will be Nemos Mind theme of anti-suppression and its
support of social causes in various focus methods
- The process of global input to keep the art evolving to the
highest possible quality and relevance to real world cultures will always be inherent to
Nemos Mind and keep it as one of many virtual worlds for the rest of global net
- at this stage we can start getting fancy with day and night
transitions and even try to match up tides and night and moon to the actual local cycles
of the participant or the server location - the additions that really drive word of mouth
and promote the virtual world applications as chat terrains and shopping malls or the
representative every large city will have as promotion etc. - we will all have rewarding
art filled careers for ever - (they all lived happily ever after )
- contribute back to Eclipse/Genesis3D
If you have
come this far and
are still curious see the Finances Page
for more specific info see the Status
page for what we are doing this week
want some quick mental images? TAKE THE "HIGH
POINT" TOUR - at each stop read the aqua
areas and hit the next
POINT" link
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1999-2001 by
H. Kevin Long - Nemo's Mind TM all rights reserved |