Lighthouse |
Overview |
- reached only by sub/boat - is up current
(so can't swim to there) from the
main island at the S.W. tip
- the rock exists but the light house suddenly pops up
on it (and is translucent) when you step on the rock - the rest of the big island
disappears until you step off the the rock island
Theme |
- an early memory of Nemos that was a life
changing event - the light house and all the human artifacts are transparent so not really
there - the light house indicates solitary and plays on that theme of a light house keeper
gone mad seeking escape from society - and is associated with Nemos first experience
of the sea
- we
interpret all reality by memory (internal or experiential) so the
island is encapsulated at the furthest edges of the islands length
by the light house at the west end and the cabin retreat in memory forest
on the east end
Detail |
The Sea |
Detail |
- Any time the explorer is near or in the sea then the companion
dolphin is there
- The original Nautilus is in the lagoon as a static display.
There are unlimited copies in the sea for the explorer to use but appears
to any one user as just one submarine. This cures overcrowding
- These secondary social
centers can be set on auto-cruise through the island reefs - drive it
or look through the museum and surreal paintings among other parlor past times as you look out those huge round windows
to the sea
- make some areas
to find under water that can only be found by navigation hints from
word of mouth such as a feature of underwater terrain that looks
like a dragon
- should the reef ring the whole island? Reefs build
walls - would be great for a nautilus set on auto cruise at a
certain depth to follow along while participants play chess etc.
next to the windows of the Nautilus
- Atlantis road continues underwater where exposed by
- other developers could add island or underwater
sea-scape such as Atlantis etc.
- a possible Atlantis out away from the island with
the calcified tree forest as described in the book - and of course (as so much of Jules
Verne's books) the fate of Atlantis is tied with local volcanic activity - Atlantis
somehow fits in the dream structure theme - if not into the island /sea/Nautilus themes
-mostly by association (in the western hemisphere) - any intellectual activity before the
turn of the century was associated with studies on Latin and the philosophers of ancient
Greek/Roman studies - So Nemo and his machine are products of those disciplines - and as
you would expect -there are a few Latin inscriptions floating around on the Nautilus
such as "Mobilis in mobile."
- A huge
underwater structure to zip around in by mini-sub Dolphin
- night in the sub or witnessed by others on the
island is the bio-luminescence of disturbed microorganisms - could also be a feature if
the sub goes into a dark grotto and sees the bioluminescence on rocks etc.
- underwater volcano such as in the book - maybe
visible from high on the island
- On the ocean side of OMEN Island is a forest of
sea weed with a capture the flag set up for min-sub Dolphin
exercises (games) and an obstacle course with a timer that freezes
after each run. Bumping the timer post with the mini-sub
Dolphin resets the timer hand. Bumping starts the timer hand
movement and bumping again after completing the obstacle course
stops the hand for inspecting the run time
- raise a sunken boat - treasure - giant oysters with
pearls - the usual grand adventure, turn of the century, view of the sea
- Underwater shipwreck - Nemo Quote "A token of
my misgivings. This was my very first sinking. As a
young lieutenant trying to overcome the tyrants of India, I began a
campaign to move the British beacon pyres to steer the warships into
the rocks. This was just the beginning of a life that
understood 'he who controls the sea, controls the world'
". The wreck has a trail of debris from the hole in its
hull back to the teeth that tore her.
Keep Following the Trail..
The entrance to the great
underground adventure is the