Art |
Much of the Worlds first experience with state of the
art 3D will be through a chat terrain - the lighting, detail, transparency, animation... |
New Social / Cultural Art
From |
The Evolving Virtual World Art |
- art implies theme - global consciousness issues will be a part
and add something to talk about, and have an influence on the issue targeted - Nemos
mind naturally deals with suppression and will promote the New Moon philosophy of
tackling global issues as a part of its opening user interface screen
- individual virtual worlds will be evolved through the years -
once a base for a chat terrain or other application of a virtual world setting is in place
- it will have to evolve to keep interest and to keep the program up with the latest
technology - newer ways to interact with the art that's already in place - a virtual world
cant become a high quality piece of art - with out years of evolving - eventually
reaching the height of pure art
- only by evolving can we include so much detail, art and
construct from Nemos mind that it will be a proud extension of Jules Verne himself -
these virtual worlds will become popular enough that people will want the art and
technology updates
- Nemos Mind could be one of the first or even better one
the best chat programs with a theme to walk in
- in 5 years this genre/media will be an effective part of the
global culture by widespread use of voice recognition to language translation
communication - global communicative barriers will drop - that has to be a good thing
Social Aspects of Nemo's Mind |
- an avenue for chat characterized primarily by rich outdoors
settings and beautiful art to interact with - constant voice interaction and meeting
people or family - a new form of interactive meditation/visualization/thinking
- interactive conversation and decisions - spur interactive
thought - Nemos Mind could lead the explorer to make judgments of themselves by
interaction with environment and others - as true art it is reflections of nature, self
and community - beautiful environments/social conversation pieces/social interaction -
- word of mouth within the chat program - interactive elements
participants will want to share - where to go and how - discoveries found, artifacts
to collect, a few puzzles (exploratory not game type mysteries) such as getting sub or
dirigible - getting into INMO island
- chatters will be aware of artifacts thrown into the sphere that
they havent found and will ask directions to finding - such as directions to fire
rock for Native American artifact - some will be roaming artifacts like the golden/rainbow
snail so will have to find by luck
- virtual world's break across social conventions - like a17 year
old playing guide to 2 elderly might be more likely in this setting than in reality
- everyone starts at Genesis beach and then once they name
an area verbally (or by saving) then they can start at that known area - so the old hands
can always come back and play guide to the newbies
- always interaction either with the environment or chatter
interaction - chatting about the terrain, art, and themes - images and terrain so
realistic explorers will discuss its reflection of reality
- participants could have crab races - colorful unique ones - could
have mini-sub races from the river of death to the river of life - applications in
a social setting are without limits - frog hunt anyone? - who can find it by sound first -
social based games are inherent when you have multiple participants
- various activities such as sliding down glacier or rotating
cliff house - some requiring 2 people to operate - sharing vehicles such as subs and
Appeals to all social levels - Non or Casual Gamer |
- huge cultural disdain for gaming - this is the 3D program for
people who get motion sick trying today's fast paced first person games - the walk speed
and mouse speed as control of view is slowed down to prevent nausea and disorientation
- why this program then? people are intellectually resistant to
games and especially the computer and its games - complicated games can also be seen as an
ego threat like chess - so bring them the best of gaming industrys interactivity and
then they can get hooked on the chat programs beauty - like Myst with a social and 3D
aspect - all beauty and no game
- trying out today's 3-D is always seen as a great experience
visually - a chat terrain can give that - with out the complication and skills of gaming -
Myst quality graphics in a virtual world/virtual reality - any one can play it - not just
expert gamers
- dont want to explain anything that the participant
wouldnt know - its not a game - its natural - low key - a party of 5 could do the
island as a meeting place
- the easier it is to use - the more the suspension of disbelief
and immersion into mystery/surrealism and different state of mind/escapism
- besides being harder to combine as gaming elements (as far as
vehicles) the game industry has had limited success mixing air water and land travel
because it changes the whole focus of the game - difficult for a game - but this program
would be on e of the first too combine all of them successfully - Nemos Mind will
have slow moving subs and dirigibles
- the reward for exploration and navigating is beauty and
interactive objects and terrain
- a rich environment that teaches about its own characteristics
without realization - this is immersion - suspension of disbelief
- what generation wont eat up a chat world named
"Nemos Mind"
The Audience is Ready |
- until now there was little motivation for widespread use of an
interactive program because the lack of graphical beauty couldnt take place of a
lack of game play - and because of the lack of voice chat - but now the graphic ability
and social aspect can displace the need for game elements
- virtual world chat is already being done by Everquest and even
Microsoft this Fall will have an on-line role playing game - look for areas to back up
with research or surveys/polls - to push product
- this is the way to meet people or do something different from
the usual video phoning - face to face is intimidating and isnt the next step from
today's faceless text chat
- there is a need for simple "ooh" and
"ah" graphical programs -
also the older generations are coming on line, who will appreciate
simpler exploration - this work of art goes for the masses who
are just know getting the latest cheap machines and dont know what to do with um -
and looking for some kind of beauty to show off on the machine - big business continually
overlooks the new social aspects of their applications - AOL, ICQ, with Microsoft trying
to play catch-up
- people are ready for an alternative interactive entertainment
chat program in a crowded game market - they just want the chat and the graphics - why
hasn't this genre been nailed down already? - its a known fact the game industry often
ignores the general population and the potential new participant who is intimidated - also
the industry just overlooks new possibilities and then starts scrambling
- majority of users may have never experienced interactive media
or graphics - they will be fascinated by each others reflections across small pools - like
fascination with the quality of Myst's graphics
- especially suitable for intimidated seniors and the technophobic
- and for those that want an entertaining chat while doing the exercise machine
- veteran game designers say violence is overrated and needs to be
replaced by exploration - Nemo's Mind is exploration on many levels - it is depth with out
unnecessary complication - Nemo's Mind doesn't operate off the principle that variety and
quantity mean fun - it can undermine overall design - doesn't lose sight of the sound
interactive experience or the theme/story
- virtual reality is adept at altered states of consciousness -
the way we receive stimuli - this hasn't been fully explored in the entertainment industry
- since social interaction has been limited by technology
- a sophisticated non violent true social-exploration
- is this the program that will get relatives buying each other 3D
cards and faster modems so they can rook others into their passion for 3D interactivity? A
step beyond just word of mouth - lots of technophiles out there who want to share - lots
of people with 3-D cards sitting in their computers now and dont even know it
The Social
Vision |
Intro Hype |
- Nemos Mind will easily become a virtual world, but
can also be used privately over net connections for environment chatting - within
subconscious and artistic themes - it will use a 3D engine to enhance the
interactivity and beauty of the environment "walking around in a conversation
- Nemos Mind is an artistic, natural terrain construct, of a
fictional character's conscious and subconscious dream world - the themes in this, art
house chat program, are based on the anti-slavery/anti-hero "Captain Nemo" of
Jules Vernes "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea" (also a player in Jules
Vernes "Mysterious Island" novel - revealing more about the overly
mysterious Nemo)
- overall theme is centered on the natural beauty of a multi-biome
island (the mind is an island surrounded by the transforming mysteries of the deep) with
strong global representation by our cultures through emulated architecture and interactive
exploration of universal themes
- the level of 3D ability is now at the ooh and ah point - the
engines have developed for years into pure beauty - but no one has taken it and used it
for its most obvious application - pure appreciation of its ability to expand on
interactive art
- this program will become a virtual world in time - we will
develop a future part of the virtual world by constructing a piece of art that can be used
as a hyped up chat world - the very first version can be useable with voice programs
already in place on the net - then there is always good old text chat within the program -
works better in this program than in the social games - Microsoft will be adding voice net
communication with Direct X 8 - also very likely voice will become a feature of the web
browser - the net will become very popular as enhanced, free with net connection, long
distance phone calling - over the next 2 years
- as a piece of art - reflecting on the human condition as one of
its themes, Nemos Mind will carry a message against human suppression just as Jules
Vernes character "Nemo" did - part of the theme is the internal conflict
in Nemos Mind just like it is in the global issues - reflections - scientific mind
versus the dream mind versus the pacifist versus the disciplined soldier...
- oriented to professional application and casual use of chat
program in an effortless (it automatically logs into servers etc.) user friendly virtual
world setting - at the same time pure art - the user will be doing something unique and
distinguished - they will be wandering in a conversational piece and eventually the
program will evolve into a very high art form as all virtual worlds settings will
eventually be
- if you are unfamiliar with the latest first person virtual 3D
gaming engines then check out the visual ability at Genesis3D (download the demo!)
keep in mind these graphics are usually restricted to insure fast game play - we can add
more detail in a slower environment and still keep a smooth frame rate
- this new medium will make use of music like a movie and some
surreal animations and even a little unobtrusive poetry - add this up with the beautiful
art and terrain that can be inserted in 3D and you have a total new surreal artistic
experience you can share with others - as you hear the echo of your fellow explorers
(simulated within a structure in 3D audio) on Nemos Mind
- beautiful, interactive, socially engaging
Future of Chat Terrain |
- the first application of the virtual worlds has been and will
always be dominated by use as a chat terrain - as they become a popular feature of the net
- then other applications of the virtual worlds will grow
- a 3D chat terrain is a natural evolvement from a look at the
on-line community, VRML based virtual worlds, and the future elements of virtual worlds:
fast 3D graphics, speech recognition, virtual agents, and advanced camera controls - so
chat terrains will be a natural progression from the web environment's own path
- the chat terrain will become tomorrow's long distance phone call
- the virtual world alternative to face-to-face type video phone - but also because the
phone call will be enhanced by the interactive environment - the scheduled regular
conversation can become a platform for using exercise machines while talking to family
members - so longer conversations that serve multiple purposes - business meetings in an
environment that can relax and distract as needed
- people will still want the mystery or non-confrontation of not
seeing each other face to face - less self conscious- so 2 industries will emerge - video
conferencing versus next step in the evolving chat room - virtual worlds will be like a
costume ball
- art will, as always gravitate toward global consciousness themes
as a part of a consistent theme within each virtual world - the art that consistently
survives is of nature or humanity
- this program will become a successful self driven work of using
todays evolving editable 3D game engines - virtual worlds can be even more
graphically detailed because it doesnt have the limitations of a fast paced game
eating up CPU cycles with fast movement through the terrain and the extra cycles to track
all the gaming aspects
- this adds up to a socially encouraging environment - a socially
constructed virtual world
- interaction in a party seems to be crucial in any entertainment
- and voice is everything
- player knows the virtual world takes place in a huge continuous
world with weather and living entities, has the latest in voice recognition/voice response
and in far future intelligent agents such as in Nemos Mind would be dream