(newMoon is an example of a concrete social
awareness front, associated with Nemo's
In 1860 - 1900, the "New Woman"
is the counterpart and antithesis
to Captain Nemo. Nemo would
abhor the idea of a woman onboard the Nautilus
and yet he idealized himself as a liberator of the oppressed. Their
is some truth in saying the state of humanity is still fixed in
that relationship.
newMoon juxtaposes Nemo's Mind in many dualities. It is Nemo
who only directly aggresses the problem, while newMoon strives to
pressure the cause of the problem. One fights injustice in a
masculine way and the other seeks understanding through the
feminine. Is one better than the other or does the world need the
balance of both? One method has been tested to death by organisms
believing they are in the right.
The newMoon is first about local - Improve kindness on a local level to impact all. Think it daily!
newMoon |
newMoon's direct aim is to enhance a
positive personal power in influencing those directly around us.
While Nemo's Mind is the way of art to expose the weaknesses in the human
character that will abhor oppression and at the same time oppress those
next to them. These partners hope to strengthen the other.
World under one moon
17 days
to newMoon
Daily Thought: Personal power in reducing humanity's
footprint is arguably limited to having less babies. The
only solution to the worlds ills, that has proven any effect...
under one moon
newMoon is change through personal power used in your
relationships and then on a global scale
newMoon is not so much a specific socially aware cause, as it is a way of leading
your personal causes forward
newMoon is a philosophy supporting
individual and organizational efforts to tackle all problems from a
cultural understanding
newMoon strives to make more awareness toward Net
driven global consciousness.
newMoon is to cure the aggressor rather than the
victim - to support the victims ability to make those changes
The success of socially conscious organizations have been limited
world-wide - they need all the help they can get. The addition of
local philosophy doesn't interfere with already existing approaches,
which, are at times, competing against each other for finances and
attention. newMoon apologizes now for any strong
prose used. It is extremely difficult to tone down socially
conscious essays and to propose the Nets insidious tendency to
homogenize the world culture as a positive. newMoon is a theme to push all web ventures to internalize socially
conscious efforts. All newMoon does, is paste a name to the
concept and a personal system to regularly participate on a local and global
newMoon is about new focus within personal power and within the
Net medium
newMoon |
do one small thing every moon |
newMoon promotes personal involvement with human oppression and
anti-slavery - to do one small thing every moon with a focus on
cultural change and a daily focus on those around you, to effect a
global evolvementWe wish to promote a philosophy falling in line with a new way of
communication and global culture. We often label anything we do,
"for the plight" of human dignity, as a "charity" and this
outlook is limiting our personal impact. "Charity" implies
the problem is exterior and psychologically or physically
distancing from the source of a problem. newMoon doesn’t
just look at the globe as one organism - newMoon puts a
name to the realization... change starts at the door step...
refocus on a regular monthly basis, is an emulation of truly social
conscious individuals. The mentors who measure themselves and
their daily life, against their socially conscious vision. They
know they are a part of all humanity and a part of the problem.
This essay goes with the old maxim: to make a change requires change
within the self first, and then finding a personal way of impact
newMoon is all about the positive power of globalism
an essay for more |
Why humanity first in our priorities, versus animal rights and the
health of the environment? You can’t help the endangered or
mistreated organism before you change the violator. Many work toward a
cause, but what a lot of us don’t do, is shift a
little more energy toward the human element behind "our" problems.
any barrier, re-evaluate periodically and invent new ways to hit the
barrier. How do we go after the culture directly suppressing the
victim we wish to help? newMoon and this essay
argue the single most important issue on the globe is gender
inequality. The result is the placement of women in the most
influential position to make the positive changes in curing the
gender disparity - culture global |
newMoon is partly a proposal that a problem such as
environmental abuse is a direct reflection of respect for the fellow
human being. If there is a lack of respect for the family member then
that culture is crippled in a hundred ways. The
single greatest crime against humanity is world
wide inequality for women - this is the correlation directly showing any cultures ability
to respect any entity: environment, development, human rights - the
country a woman lives in, dictates whether they are paid less in one
modern country or whether gender is an automatic violence risk factor in a 3rd
world nation. A theme of newMoon is that women
will always be treated cruelly as property through out the world, as
long as the best, role model countries, still have inequalities
in economic or status positions. But these modern
countries are still great role models for women around the
globe, through global media.
Is the mild separatism
of women on the Net helpful? The glaring most obvious indicator
in the modern nation is pay equality. Until that index changes for the
better, then women must continually group and or fight for their rights.
Some will look for the arguments against this, but in a
global challenge - the rights, and the organization to advance them, is the
model for those struggling under oppression in another country -
yearly, the lifestyle of modern countries is increasingly visible to
the undeveloped - and every year more 3rd world women are banding.
this sense, globalism. or the subduing of local cultures under the
growth of global culture is positive. The outlook that the global
culture is one organism, and the culture we are in at the moment, is
influencing all others. Many rankle at the thought
of changing sub-cultures. Maybe it helps to look at your own
particular society and ask how the present culture compares to the same
of just one century ago. Nothing is preserved and all improves
for the better, in the glass is half full mentality. And nothing
is sacred when women, children, and the Earth is in abuse. The
universal question is whether the abuse will improve or worsen as
the population doubles over the next 40 years
culture local |
the overall global culture has an evolving level of human rights, so
does the health of the environment in that culture. Drag the
cultures committing the most crimes against humanity to a higher
standard by continuing to push our own culture to the next level.
More respect for the ones around us is also a focus on a problem
out of our sight. This means daily local impact - maybe this is
just saying be nicer to people you deal with daily - maybe it means
getting involved with improving the local culture through something
more active.
Time for an example? You can’t free the slaves in ________ before
you free the slaves in the democratic nations - for instance, few
Americans realize the scope of the slavery within their own shores
- few around the world are aware of the scope of slavery and oppression
through out the world. What is the most valuable thing you
can do about this? To be socially conscious means a consistent education
of self and others around you. And to Improve your own conscious lifestyle - and your
neighbors will improve. By newMoon this means improving
lifestyle in a human dignity way.
newMoon means to do some level of interaction with your personal
humanistic cause, on a local and global level - treat the ones you live
with better and it will spread - respect for humanity is shown through
respect for the ones you live and work with - and the ones you meet
for only one moment in your life - if you have a lifestyle that
permits you to read these words then your priorities go high above
just survival needs and can afford to treat others with ultimate respect. Until
violence disappears from our streets - you can’t expect change
around the next corner. Environmentally how can you save the forests
of Brazil if we can’t save the Everglades. And if we are finally
arresting the erosion of the Everglades is it a cultural evolvement?
On the local level: if you encounter or dish out rudeness your self on
a daily basis then we can’t expect things to imrove elsewhere...
global consciousness |
On the global scale newMoon evangelizes personal
involvement with oppression, slavery, or a global cause of your own.
If we all
stepped up our commitment to a monthly involvement at any level then
we are upping the amount of overall energy
Whatever you choose to do at the global level, do it on a regular
basis. newMoon finds a name in a proposal for monthly
involvement. A theme of newMoon is that one
monthly act will contribute more to the good of all, than is
accomplished now
newMoon works hand in hand with the global or local
institution of your choice - that is the global level - we can do
little beyond our horizon with out teams focusing on the barriers
culture |
A fundamental concept of altruism: To make change in anything
first requires change within the self. If you are having impact,
if you are making change, then you made
change within your self first. Then you can make effective influence
on the culture. The path of happiness in softening the heart versus the death of hard hearted.
Net is the single greatest cultural machine. It is changing
business, competition, and communication in positive ways. The
global village will facilitate more and more pressure - reaching across
nations. The pervasive nature of the Net will penetrate
economically if not culturally.
newMoon is not so much a specific cause as it is a way of leading
your personal cause forward.
commitment by net |
Discuss the subject with stranger(s) using info technology
communication - explain the ideas behind Net culture,
communication, economy and education as ways to bring negative
cultures into the fold - read up on the latest to keep your
self emotionally involved.
Buy from companies that give to conscious organizations
(such as- every purchase a monetary donation to your cause) - this
will encourage other companies to compete - producing more focus
and social ideals.
Volunteer your special skills to assist an organization with
just one or 2 hours a month.
As a last resort make a monetary donation.
Summary of the NewMoon Credo |
Daily To promote basic human dignity radiating out beyond
the local culture in a daily manner. Letting the ones around you
expand by not suppressing them. It is a perspective of scale - local
human dignity is a reflection of the same on a larger negative scale
else where. The ideals adopted by the predominant
global culture will eventually overcome the local.
to globally do anything for your cause or for human oppression.
Hopefully through the Net, so this will become the culture of the Net. Once a month we will spotlight women becoming empowered round the planet. The newMoon is first about local - Improve kindness on a local level to impact all.
one moon
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